For 22 years, Will Thalheimer’s Work-Learning Research has been a leader in the workplace learning field, sharing research-based wisdom to help trainers, learning architects, elearning developers, and learning executives build radically effective learning.


Learning Audits and Workshops

Learning audits and learning-audit workshops have helped organizations get honest feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their learning designs through Work-Learning Research’s proprietary research-benchmarking process. A few examples of organizations we have worked with: Oxfam (the anti-poverty nonprofit), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC), the Navy Seals, Defense Intelligence Agency, Bloomberg, The US National Parks Service, Novartis, UCB, Walgreens, ADP, MIT, Microsoft, Harvard Business Online, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as many trade associations, universities, and elearning companies.


Innovation in Learning Evaluation

For over a decade, Work-Learning Research has led the world in learning-evaluation innovations, first with Will Thalheimer’s award-winning book on how to conduct learner surveys, and then most recently with the creation and free dissemination of a revolutionary new learning-evaluation model, LTEM (The Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model).



Fighting against learning myths

At Work-Learning Research, we believe that it’s just as important to debunk harmful learning myths as it is to compile and share research-based best practices. Through Will Thalheimer’s research, speaking, and blogging efforts; we’ve been a leader at pointing out the danger of the learning pyramid, learning styles, and so-called neuroscience-based learning designs, et cetera! We also founded The Debunker Club, a world-wide group of learning professionals dedicated to stamping out the most harmful learning myths.


Generosity and sharing

Since starting Work-Learning Research in 1998, Will Thalheimer’s main goal has been to bring research-based wisdom to the workplace learning field. Often more a labor of love than a income-generating juggernaut, Work-Learning Research has erred on the side of creating innovations, ideas, commentary, and publications for public consumption. To get a sense of these contributions you can visit Will’s blog and the Work-Learning Research catalog, where our documents, articles, and videos are available for free.